
At the University, students can attend numerous recreational activities. With over 70 intramural student organizations on campus as well as regularly held campus-wide events, students are encouraged to get involved and enjoy their college life.

It is here that students are challenged to broaden their worldview and create an education that is able to accommodate all their passions.

NKNU is proud of its highly efficient faculty and staff who are dedicated to the enrichment of the campus. The values of "service," "excellence," "efficiency," "humanity," and "digitalization" are stressed among all levels of administration. It is through these values that the University is able to remain a first-rate academic environment where both research and instruction can thrive.

The College of Extended Education of NKNU

The College of Extended Education of NKNU offers a wide range of programs for in-service teachers and professionals who hope to extend their professional qualifications. Career training courses and personal development courses are also available to the general public through non-degree programs. At NKNU, everyone is welcomed to pursue a life-long education.

In addition to promoting academic knowledge and skills, NKNU also places emphasis on cultural diversity. Therefore, the University is devoted to remodeling the general education curricula, aiming to encompass various courses to cultivate a whole-person education. With this goal, the University also encourages academic units to organize national and international conferences in order to strengthen academic and cultural exchanges.
Since its establishment, NKNU has educated many important contributors to the field of education. With 70% of teachers and education administrators in southern Taiwan having connections to the University, NKNU maintains an important nexus for the education-related research and teacher’s training. It again proves to be the place that inspires national and regional education reforms.

NKNU has also won nationwide acclaims for its efforts and scholarly pursuits. In 2006, the University was accredited by the Ministry of Education as an "excellent" institution, ranking it as one of the best universities in the nation.

With a vision directed to the future, NKNU's faculty and students help build a community that is based on heritage and innovation, striving to diversify and expand the University’s status across the world. With their endeavors, NKNU has become an institution that is attuned toward globalization, equality, and environmentalism.